Cards Autonomy Details EN

Keys elements

+150 tCO2

of equivalent GHG emissions
(Summit Paris 2024)


exhibitors redefining the future of mobility


of the stands were modular, reducing the use & transport of materials 

Modular stands

80% of stands were modular with reusable wooden structures. Exhibitors with unfinished stands were strongly encouraged to use local suppliers to minimise the transport of materials.

Sustainable catering

Meals were provided by local caterers with vegetarian options and no red meat options. The annual dinner, which was entirely vegetarian, was prepared by an official caterer to optimise the transport of produce.

Selection of sustainable suppliers

Choice of suppliers based on their commitment to sustainability, with strict criteria on materials and sustainable practices. Carpeting was removed from all aisles and its use on stands was minimised.

Encouraging sustainable mobility

Les participants ont été encouragés à privilégier les transports en commun et d'autres solutions de mobilité durable.

Waste & water management

Installation of water fountains to limit the use of plastic and introduction of waste sorting procedures.

Communication on sustainability

A comprehensive campaign promoted sustainable practices via technical guides, the website, social media and on-site displays.

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Measuring Autonomy's event carbon footprint

Autonomy collaborated with ClimateSeed to carry out a comprehensive assessment of its GHG emissions at its annual summit, held from March 20 to 21, 2024.

The assessment revealed that total GHG emissions for the event amounted to 527 tCO2e. This figure is equivalent to around 220 round-trips by plane between Paris and New York, or 1,146 round-trips by car between Paris and Berlin. The result represents an average emission of 0.2 tCO2e per participant.


 Participants details

Participant transport is the largest emitting category with 273 tCO₂e, representing 51.7% of the balance sheet total. Of these emissions, the majority come from short journeys of less than 700 km, which make up 63.9% of the total. Medium-sized journeys, covering distances of 700km to 3,700km, account for 20% of emissions. Emissions linked to travel in France amount to 9.2%, compared with a national average of 7%.


Our Methodology

Carbon accounting categorizes GHG emissions resulting from human activities according to defined boundaries, taking into account time, organization, and function.

The GHG Protocol and the BEGES are widely used for this purpose, primarily for emissions related to organizations, but also for GHG assessments related to events.

ClimateSeed has built its framework using these methodologies as a reference. By adhering to their principles regarding scope, calculations, and categorizations, while considering event-specific data and reporting requirements.


Methodologie V4



Here are ClimateSeed's recommendations for reducing the carbon footprint of future events:



Encourage environmentally-friendly modes of transport

To reduce emissions linked to participant travel, it's crucial to implement a proactive communication campaign well in advance of the event. This campaign should inform participants about the various public transport options available. It is also advisable to work with local transportation services to offer discounts or benefits to participants who choose environmentally-friendly modes of transport. Clear communication in advance will help maximize the adoption of these sustainable transportation solutions.


Reduce the carbon impact of suppliers

To minimize the carbon footprint associated with procurement, it is crucial to give preference to local suppliers. By selecting companies located close to the event, this reduces transport distances while supporting the local economy. This approach helps to limit emissions associated with the movement of goods, and promotes more sustainable logistics. It is also advisable to work with partners who share sustainability values and are committed to eco-responsible practices, thus reinforcing the positive impact of the event.


Adopt a phygital approach: Offer online access to conferences to reduce the need for physical travel.

Use reusable materials: It is important to continue to favour the use of sustainable, reusable or rented materials.

Optimising the catering service: Efforts must be made to reduce meat consumption during meals at the event, and to encourage recycling in order to limit the amount of waste sent to landfill sites.

Calculating the carbon footprint of the Autonomy event was a valuable opportunity to identify the most significant sources of emissions. The partnership with ClimateSeed has enabled us to better understand the habits of attendees and suppliers, and to work with them to reduce the current and future common footprint.
Adeline Larroque / Autonomy
Adeline Larroque / Autonomy
Sustainable Event expert
Le calcul de l'empreinte carbone du salon Autonomy était une opportunité précieuse pour identifier les sources d'émissions les plus importantes. Le partenariat avec ClimateSeed a permis de mieux comprendre les habitudes des participants et des prestataires, et de collaborer avec eux pour diminuer l’empreinte commune actuelle et future.
Adeline Larroque
Adeline Larroque

Sustainable Event expert of Autonomy

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