Combine our carbon accounting software with the expertise of our consultants
Corporate carbon footprint: measure your GHG emissions & manage your reduction strategy.

They trust us

Measure & reduce your corporate carbon footprint with
our software and consultants
Our carbon accounting software, GEMS, includes the following key features:
Tailor our software to your needs
Define your measurement scope: temporal, organizational, and operational.
Set up access levels to reinforce security and facilitate inter-team cooperation.
Onboard your team: ClimateSeed provides a training and configuration phase to align all participants with the methods and objectives.

Measure your emissions scopes 1,2 3
Minimize data collection time with various methods, including bulk import, hierarchical structures, and simplified or advanced questionnaires for your stakeholders.
Gain accuracy with our integrated AI, which automatically organizes and filters data entries, ensuring consistency and regulatory compliance. It also simplifies managing missing data by using extrapolations and/or hypotheses.
Automated calculations connected to numerous emission factor databases (Base Empreinte®, IEA, EcoInvent, DEFRA, Agribalyse, Boavizta, CDP, Exiobase, and internal EF, etc.).

Analyze & report your results
Easily view your results with our dynamic, customizable dashboards, featuring graphs that display data by activity category.
Compare your results year-over-year, across different entities, and more.
Confidence score for accuracy improvement to enhance accuracy, optimize result reliability, and strengthen measurement credibility.
Access auditable GHG accounting compliant with major standards (GHG Protocol, ISO 14064, regulatory BEGES, etc.).

Create your GHG emissions reduction plan
Identify and prioritize reduction actions.
Set global targets and check their compliance with the Science-Based Target initiative.
Simulate reduction actions by creating customized action plans from our database or by defining your own.

Our GHG accounting software, GEMS, is in line with the best-in-class standards and methodologies:

Our comprehensive approach to measuring your corporate carbon footprint
Our carbon accounting software, GEMS, seamlessly integrates with customized consulting services for a comprehensive solution.
Adaptability to all sectors to assess your company's carbon footprint
ClimateSeed supports all sectors in assessing their carbon footprint and developing effective emissions reduction strategies.
Why choose us?
Cutting-edge software
GEMS is a customizable solution designed for organizations of all sizes, co-developed with ClimateSeed’s carbon experts.
Data security

Proven expertise
150 carbon footprints completed with experts trained in the GHG Protocol and other key Carbon Footprint methodologies, and accredited by Bpifrance.
Majority shareholder
Financial stability is ensured by the support of AXA Impact Fund, which is committed to large-scale decarbonization.
End-to-end climate solutions
End-to-end approach with a complementary offering on contribution to carbon removal and avoidance projects.
Impact-driven company
ClimateSeed is a member of the 1% for the Planet association and donates 1% of its revenue to environmental and social projects.
Member of
Customer testimonials

AI integrated on our carbon accounting software
With AI integration, we deliver precise and comprehensive greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions analysis. AI automates the collection and processing of large data sets and assigns the most accurate emission factors to each product and service line.
from our Academy

How to measure your company's carbon footprint?
Access practical resources to support your environmental initiatives.

How to choose the right methodology to calculate carbon footprint?
Access practical resources to support your environmental initiatives.

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In Europe, while there is no universal legal requirement for all companies to conduct a carbon footprint assessment, certain regulations encourage or mandate GHG emissions reporting, particularly for larger organizations.
EU Directives: Frameworks like the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) require some companies to disclose their environmental impacts, including emissions.
National Regulations: Many EU member states have specific laws promoting carbon footprint assessments, especially for larger firms.
Market Expectations: Increasingly, companies undertake these assessments voluntarily to enhance their sustainability credentials and meet stakeholder demands.
Overall, while it may not be mandatory for all, assessing your carbon footprint is becoming essential for compliance and business strategy. Contact us for more details.
In carbon footprint assessments, emissions are categorized into three scopes, as defined by the Greenhouse Gas Protocol. Here’s a brief overview of each scope:
1. Scope 1: Direct Emissions
These are emissions that occur from sources owned or controlled by the company. Examples include:
- Emissions from combustion in company-owned or controlled boilers, furnaces, vehicles, etc.
- Process emissions from chemical production.
- Fugitive emissions from leaks in equipment.
2. Scope 2: Indirect Emissions from Energy
These are emissions from the generation of purchased electricity, steam, heating, and cooling consumed by the company. They occur at the facility where the energy is produced, not at the company's facilities. Examples include:
- Emissions from the production of electricity that a company purchases for its operations.
3. Scope 3: Other Indirect Emissions
These include all other indirect emissions that occur in the company’s value chain, both upstream and downstream. Scope 3 emissions are often the largest share of a company’s carbon footprint. Examples include:
- Emissions from the production of purchased goods and services.
- Transportation and distribution of products (both upstream and downstream).
- Waste disposal.
- Employee commuting and business travel.
Understanding these scopes helps companies identify and manage their emissions more effectively. If you need more detailed information or examples, feel free to ask!
At ClimateSeed, our deep expertise and strong relationships with clients have shown us that many companies continue to face challenges in keeping pace with the latest advancements in GHG accounting methodologies. One of the key challenges they face is determining which methodology is most appropriate for their specific situation, considering factors such as market, industry, and geographic location. To address this, we’ve created an article to clarify the main differences between various GHG accounting methodologies.
Feel free to contact us to learn more about how we can support you.
At ClimateSeed, we understand that each company has unique needs and challenges. That’s why the support from our experts is flexible and specifically tailored to your requirements. Whether it’s developing a data collection strategy, verifying data validity, or presenting results to your stakeholders, our consultants are here to assist you at every step of the process.
Feel free to contact us to learn more about how we can support you.
Request a free demo of our GHG accounting software
Discover how it can transform your emissions management!