Climate Change and its Impact on Forests & Protecting Biodiversity through Effective Forest Management
" Table of Contents \n 1. Climate Change Effects on Forests \n 2. Management Practices for Mitigation \n 3. Strategies f …
What is the Climate Action Reserve’s (CAR’s) Mexico Forest Protocol?
" Table of Contents \n 1. Carbon Markets & CAR-Mexico Protocol \n 2. History of CAR-Mexico Protocol \n 3. What makes …
What are the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)?
" Table of contents \n 1. What are the Sustainable Development Goals? \n 2. What is the role of the United Nations (UN)? …
Blue Carbon Policy and Conservation Initiatives
" Table of Contents \n 1. The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) 2. The Convention on Biolog …
Types of Property on which Mangroves Ecosystems Sit
" Table of Contents \n 1. Key Benefits and Considerations 2. Global Distribution and Legal Frameworks of Mangrove Ecosys …
Mexico Visit: 3 Ecosystems, 12 Communities & 10 Days
" Table of Contents \n 1st Stop: Tabasco, Mexico 2nd Stop: State of Mexico, Monarch Butterfly Biosphere 3rd Stop: Campec …
Blue Carbon and Sustainable Development Goals
" Table of Contents \n 1. Blue Carbon Projects and their Relation to SDGs 2. SDG 1: No Poverty 3. SDG 8: Decent Work and …
Understanding Blue Carbon & Mangroves' Role in Carbon Sequestration
" Table of Contents \n 1. What is the role of mangroves in carbon sequestration? 2. What are the economic benefits of Bl …
The impact of fashion on the environment: understanding the issues and acting on them
" Table of contents \n 1. How is the fashion industry contributing to GHG emissions ? \n 2. What about the environmental …